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How to carry over your assets to FIFA 23?

Every year, with the release of a new FIFA, players wonder if EA is ever going to allow them to carry over their favorite assets such as FIFA coins. Today we want to discuss whether you can move your FIFA 22 items to FIFA 23 or not. Some players care about their profile achievements more than anything else. So make sure you read this article to the end to find out more.

Moving to FIFA 23

We work a whole year to achieve a specific rank and place on the leaderboard, and each year when we want to upgrade the game to a new version, almost everything we worked for disappears as if we never accomplished anything. We need to start collecting coins from scratch and make our FUT Club rank high again. But what if we get to transfer important items this year?
FIFA 23 Ultimate Team and Volta Football are the only game modes that you can transfer some of your progress into. Therefore, when you left FIFA 22 and upgraded your game to FIFA 23, your Career Mode info (progress, players, etc.), Seasons, Online Friendlies and Pro Clubs will vanish. For saving some of your progress and carrying it over to the new game, do these steps before anything else:

  1. Run FIFA 23 on the same platform as your FIFA 22’s
  2. Follow up on the necessary instructions when you entered FIFA 23
  3. Confirm and allow the game to carry over your items when a related screen popped up

The carryable items in FIFA 23

  • FUT 22 Club Profile
  • FIFA 22 Points
  • FUT 23 Pre-season Rewards

The items you cannot carry to FIFA 23

  • FIFA Coins
  • Cards
  • Unopened packs
  • Unassigned items
  • Match Records & History
  • Your FUT Club's Data and Records
  • Division's progress and level
  • Career mode's progress
Note that if you're happy with your game and don't really care about updating, you are free to skip it and enjoy your game while you can. You can upgrade whenever you feel you're done playing FIFA 22 and want to try new stuff.

Cross-platform carryover

We're really excited to try out the cross-play feature, especially in FUT where a player can share and enjoy a joint FUT market. But the carryover rules remain the same. Meaning you won't be able to benefit from the FIFA 23 cross-platform carryover.
Your in-game data and the carriable items will be available to carry to FIFA 23 only if you play it on the same platform that you played FIFA 22.
Even if you use the same email address to register for multiple accounts, you can't benefit from the same data on different platforms. Only one platform can run FIFA 23 with a specific account because each platform has its individual in-game data and items.
So, if you ever decided to play FIFA 23 on a totally different gaming console rather than the one you played FIFA 22 on, you won't see your items and need to start everything from scratch. 

In such scenarios, you can always count on WhatsGaming and purchase safe FIFA 23 coins for your game. It can help you a lot on your journey and you can jump right back to where you were.
Note that the carryover is available right now if you have EA Access and can access the FIFA 23 early access.
Feel free to read the original article here for more details.


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